PreK 3&4 Supply List 2023/2024
- Package of Play-Doh (4 jars any color/ make sure it is Play-Doh Brand)
- Large Coloring Books of Choice (2)
- Headphones
- Nap Mat
- Baby / Wet Wipes
- Hand Soap
- 1 Gallon Ziploc Bags
- 1 container of Clorox Wipes
All other supplies are provided with the Supply Fee.
- Supply Fee: $70.00*
- Classroom Fee: $5.00*
- Art Shirt
- Change of Clothes (in case of accident) Please label every article of clothing
- You may also send a small blanket or towel to cover up with and a small pillow. I emphasize small because we are limited on storage space.
* Fee subject to change